A Note From Our Founder: Mia Kotikovski
My dearest Russian immigrant mother, avid Bhangra dancer, and all-things-asian-curry enthusiast, raised me to appreciate the vast cultures of the world. As I grew older and more conscientious, I was shocked by the racial prejudice that plagued our society, from kids at the cafeteria getting bullied for scent of their lovingly packed lunches to the horrific acts of racial discrimination surfaced on the media. Cultured Kids Cuisine is a powerful initiative run by future leaders to combat hate and promote love and tolerance through an educational vessel that connects everyone: food. Let’s build a future where no kid gets picked on for their packed lunch!
What We Do
We are a team of 100+ high school and college student volunteers from around the globe striving to make a positive difference worldwide. In hopes of empowering women entrepreneurs, Cultured Kids Cuisine was founded upon the principle of closing the gender gap in entrepreneurship by offering networking and career-building resources to girls and women. Aside from boasting an all-women team, we help our volunteers and community get connected to successful women founders, gain valuable mentorship on all aspects of business management, and most importantly, build the confidence to launch their own ventures one day!

Meet Our Team

I am from New York City and attend Stony Brook University , majoring in Biology, B.S. on the premedical track. Cooking has been my passion ever since I can remember and with CKC I am able to share that with the world while making a positive impact on children across the globe.
Mia Kotikovski
Founder & CEO

Hi, y’all! My name is Ashley, and I am from NYC. I am a rising senior and student-athlete at WestConn State University majoring in Communications and Marketing. I am the Director of Digital Marketing and Engagement for Cultured Kids Cuisine, which means I get to connect with all of you through our social media pages. I am passionate about healthy eating and entrepreneurship. I am so excited to work with all the other young women and educate others through our mission statement!
Emily Zhu
Director of Marketing & Engagement

Hello! My name is Iandra, and I am from Staten Island, New York. I am a freshman at Harvard hoping to double major in Neuroscience and Music. I am the Director of Content Creation for Cultured Kids Cuisine, which means I create all the recipes and lesson plans that our members will enjoy as a part of this amazing organization. I am very passionate about different cuisines, so if you have any questions about that, I am the person to go to! I am so excited to work with young women who are dedicated to furthering female leadership in society through non-profit organizations such as CKC!
Alexandra Shatan

My name is Limin Li and my hometown is Brooklyn, NY. I am now a rising senior at Brooklyn Technical High School and my projected major in college is Biochemistry. As the Director of Culinarians, my responsibilities are cooking with children online and in-person, educating them about the culture of the dish, and working with my interns to bring the best possible experience for our participants. I look forward to meeting parents and children of diverse backgrounds to teach them about different cultures of the world, along with their historical connections!
Limin Li
Director of Culinarians

Hello! My name is Sophia, and I am a senior fine arts major at LaGuardia High School in New York City. As the Director of Creative Design, I work with and oversee an amazing team in producing graphics and content that reflect the mission of Cultured Kids Cuisine. As someone who is passionate about learning and entrepreneurship, I love that CKC encourages kids to explore different cuisines and empowers women entrepreneurs!
Sofia Wang
Director of Creative Design

My name is Michelle and I’m from Brooklyn, New York. Currently, I am a junior at Stony Brook University double majoring in business management and economics with a dual-specialization in marketing and finance. In my free time, I enjoy organizing (anything and everything!), bullet journaling, and catching sunsets at the beach with my friends. As Director of Fundraising and Sponsorships, I get to raise awareness and share Cultured Kids Cuisine’s mission statement with those who have the same vision. I also get to meet and work with the most driven and dedicated team of women who inspire me to work towards my entrepreneurship goals.
Megan Chin
Director of Fundraising & Sponsorships

My name is Brittanie Chen, and I'm from Brooklyn, NY. I'm a senior at Brooklyn Technical High School looking to major in architecture. As Director of Photography/Film Editing, my task is to capture different aspects of CKC(photographically), create video content, and bring awareness about our brand globally. I chose to work with CKC because it gave me an opportunity to fulfill my passion for photography, as well as build a network with others who are also enthusiastic about getting to know different cultures through their dishes. I look forward to entertaining our audience, working with the directors and interns, and most importantly gaining valuable experience. One fun fact about me is that I'm an avid baker, and I love baking for others. Another fun fact about me is that I'm a coffee addict that likes my coffee with extra cream and sugar!
Lindsay Lam
Director of Photography & Film

Hi! My name is Emily Shen and I am a third year at Northeastern University in Business & Design with concentrations in Marketing & Experience Design. As the Director of Website Design, I oversee the website you are currently on! I'm super excited to be working on this team of amazing women and to be part of an organization that is fostering cultural awareness through something as simple as food!